Saturday, July 23, 2011

How can one live life to the fullest?

Basic Mantra of life is to live it to the fullest according to ones own desires, wants and expectations.

But living life to the Fullest doesn't mean one waste their life, doing crazy stuff and just carelessly do their own things.. instead one needs to have a positive approach towards life, that is positive thinking.

One should make a choice according to their own needs and desires, not according to the advice of people around them.

One needs to create a balance between all the parts of their life, be it professional or personal, so as to avoid tension and stress in life.

One should have a great relation with the people around, so as to prevent hiccups in life and be away from stress and frustration.

The most important point in living a proper and happy life is to maintain proper fitness and good health.

One should expand and grow out from his comfort zone. One needs to break out his routine habits that one has for a long time and find a different and a better way to do it.

One needs to achieve inner peace and personal growth. One should live with a cool mind so that they can take right decision at the right mine.

One should be confident enough on what ever they do, because confidence is the the most important key in life. Confidence helps one in believing in themselves.

One should always have the guts to face fear, because the best way to overcome fear is by facing it. 

One should not be sad over their faults instead they should learn from their mistakes and move forward in life.

If one follows these points in their lives they can enjoy their lives , be happy and keep all the people around them happy, and this can happen only if one starts believing themselves and make people around them to believe them. It can be done only if one is happy i.e., one living his life to the fullest.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Why life is so confusing?

Life is confusing- it always will be, everyone’s life is and you have to just accept it and move on. Nothing will ever be perfect, in life we just have to do the best we can and just trust that someday it will all be worthwhile.

That question in itself is proof that the world is confusing. It is so because everyone has their own thoughts and processes, and they all think in their own way, and thus have their own opinions, and those opinions clash.

Sometimes the life is all upside down and puts one in such a situation that they need to choose an appropriate path between two correct paths.

It sometimes leaves you in such a situation that you can’t understand anything and are left with fake hopes of everything will be fine soon and later when it doesn’t happen, one feels terrible about it.

Confusion leads to a fight between ones heart and mind, when one can’t judge anything and are left thinking.

If one tries to make different peoples opinion fit together in society, it creates confusion.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

How life changes in a blink of the eye? How can it be brought back on track?

Sometimes I think how life changes within a blink of the eye? How things change in just a fraction of a second? How people change their behavior so often and don't even realize that this change is affecting the people around them? How do people become so arrogant and stubborn in life? What is the reason behind this change??

Why do people tend to act superior and over smart and make all the people around against them? Why do they create this negative impact on the people around them? Why don't they understand that they have to face the consequences of their own acts? 

When one has a negative attitude it does not just affect them, it affects everyone around them and that will take its toll on ones relationships.

Let’s face it, there are going to be those days when it seems as though nothing is going their way. The worst thing one could do is allow those things that go wrong define the person that you really are. One has the ability to keep himself from falling prey to such negative thoughts. If one doesn’t fight such a terrible feeling it can have lasting effects on their life.
People will not want to be around them and the loneliness can make it even harder to fight the negative thoughts. This can actually weaken ones immune system with such negativity. There have been studies that show how people with negative attitudes are more susceptible to getting sick compared to those with a positive outlook on life.
If you are generally a negative person you have to start making changes in your life…RIGHT AWAY. Negativity cripples and corrodes the human spirit. A negative attitude is self destructive it will only hinder the process of maintaining good relationships. You will find yourself blaming others for your problems.
The solution to this problem is just one and that one needs to change their "ATTITUDE" in life.
One should think positive to keep themselves in a good mood and it works like a charm. One can try this too, if they have a negative attitude one should just think that they have the power to change the way they feel.
One should work hard on the positive aspects of life and keep their minds focused there.
Live life in a different manner and live it in such a way that u’ll also enjoy and also the people who are around you also enjoy.
Life is a wonderful gift by god one needs to live it in such a way that it makes them happy and also the people around them. One should enjoy each and every moment of life and love the all the people who are a part of it.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The elemental fact

The elemental fact, present in our consciousness every moment of our existence, is:  I am life that wills to live, in the midst of life

that wills to live. ...
The essence of the humane spirit is: Preserve life, promote life, help life to achieve its highest destiny.
The essence of Evil is: Destroy life, harm life, hamper the
development of life.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

How does one just pretends to be happy ?

The difference between those who are happy and those who aren’t is largely determined during the difficult times in life. Happy people choose to see these periods as opportunities to learn and adapt. This is done by consciously choosing to focus on all that is good and right in life at the time instead of dwelling on all that is wrong.

That's what many people do, cause one doesn't really want their family or anybody to worry about them. But sometimes one wishes to knew another depressed, social phobic person so one could talk to them or at least know somebody who goes through the same thing as them...not that one would wish depression on anybody but one just wish to knew somebody else who had the same problem....cause anybody else just either worries about you or they don't understand or care at all.
Sometimes, when one is really sick of feeling like crap, one do pretend, because its said that if you pretend long enough you might start to believe it and it will be true. 

Though that doesn’t work for all.

One is also extremely worried about how their behavior affects those around them, and when one starts to notice that one is making other people sad they tend pretend to be fine. 

Being outwardly depressed also causes people to pay attention to you, sometimes you'll get people who want to cheer you up, and all that attention is scary! So one just lie and say, “yeah, they all are better now”.

It's easier to be one person in front of people and ones is regular sad self behind closed doors. But then one start to feel isolated because nobody knows the "reality", nobody knows or understands ones reality. It's just a big vicious cycle.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Fresher's 2011 Rocked.....!!!!!
 2nd July 2011

Monday, July 4, 2011

Whats the answer to this WHY?????

Many a time in life one feel as if its acting too fishy with him. One trys to do some thing good and something opposite happens.

How does such a problem arise, people sometimes try to act too friendly and sometimes act as if they are not concerned. Why does all this happen??

Whats the reason behind such problems? Why does all this happen with those who don't do anything bad to any one? 

Why are people so jealous of their own near and dear ones? Why do the want to take all that other person has? Why are people so mean and Jealous?

Why do people act good in front and backbite behind? Why do all these thing occur in life?

Many people are sick of such questions and all want an answer to all these Questions?

All want an answer to this WHY??????

Hope to find some solutions to such problems in life..