Wednesday, August 17, 2011

So tired of life.....

She’s so tired of this life, so tired of screaming 
She’s hoping for happiness though her heart is bleeding 

Feeling lost and forgotten like no one cares
Or wants to listen to her fears

So afraid to say how she feels inside 
There’s a whole other part of her that she hides

Afraid of what will happen if she said 
The thoughts that are running through her head 
Half the time she’d rather be dead 
That say the words that should be said

She puts of a face for all to see 
Convincing them she’s truly happy

But still she hopes all the while
For someone to see right through her smile

To see the pain behind her eyes 
And be there for her when she cries

But no matter how hard she tries 
The fear of being forgotten never dies

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